Vocab words

  1. 3. Harmful odor
  2. 4. Large group
  3. 7. To yield or give up to
  4. 10. Not shy in appearance
  5. 13. Shy or modest
  6. 15. To mock or tease
  7. 16. To overstate things
  8. 18. To burden you
  9. 19. Worthless
  1. 1. To hate strongly
  2. 2. Yellow tinged
  3. 5. Sudden outcry
  4. 6. Healthy
  5. 8. Loud noise
  6. 9. Recovering or healing
  7. 11. Villain, criminal,or thief
  8. 12. Disease
  9. 14. To float above
  10. 17. To be filled with fear
  11. 20. Stir up an anger