Vocab Words Chapter 3

  1. 4. earth metal, The elements in group 2 on the periodic table
  2. 6. metal, The elements in group 1
  3. 8. gas, The elements in group 18 of the periodic table
  4. 10. Conducts electricity at high temperatures but not temperature.
  5. 11. Is an element that is generally shiny and it is easy pulled into wires or hammered into thin sheets and is great for thearmle heat.
  6. 12. The ability to be pulled into thin wires
  7. 14. Is a column on the periodic table
  8. 15. element, The elements in groups 3-12
  1. 1. is an element that has physical and chemical properties of both metals and nonmetals
  2. 2. The ability of a substance to be hammered into thin sheets.
  3. 3. an element in group 17 of the periodic table
  4. 5. The rows on a periodic table
  5. 7. describes the ability of a metal to reflect light
  6. 9. are elements that have not metallic properties
  7. 13. table, Is a chart of the elements arranged into rows and columns according to their physical and chemical properties.