
  1. 2. the structural and functional units of a living organisms
  2. 3. a community of living organisms
  3. 6. the set of life substantiating chemical transformation within the cells of living organisms
  4. 8. any contiguous living system
  5. 9. a molecule that encodes the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms
  6. 10. a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms
  7. 11. belonging to a group
  8. 12. variable input or causes
  9. 13. global sum of ecosystem
  10. 14. activity of living, involved through senses
  11. 15. a result of thinking, your own thoughts
  1. 1. genetics a field of biology and genetics that studies structure
  2. 4. discipline in genetics that applies DNA
  3. 5. not changing or varying
  4. 7. a tool to use to look at smaller objects
  5. 10. the degree of variation of life forms within a giving species, ecosystem, or planet
  6. 11. variable output or effect