  1. 1. I hope when I am older I am very _.
  2. 5. A lot of _ writers aren't very popular or well known.
  3. 6. The show criminal minds show crazy people who get a thrill from _ behavior.
  4. 8. My teammates and I have a great _ and are very supportive of each other.
  5. 10. My mom has a very _ personality and that is why everyone loves her.
  1. 2. My little nephew hides in _ places when we play hide n seek.
  2. 3. I am not in _ to share my room with my little sister.
  3. 4. A lot of _ people tend to be more shy and timid.
  4. 7. She was forgiven of her crime because of _ circumstances.
  5. 9. The _ insect struggeld to make it up the big hill.