Vocabs 3.3

  1. 1. Relating to or situated on the edge or periphery of something.
  2. 3. Stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so.
  3. 5. Lacking in energy or vitality.
  4. 6. Fear of confined spaces.
  5. 8. To place or insert between one thing and another.
  6. 9. A person who lives outside their native country.
  7. 11. Knowing everything; having complete or unlimited knowledge.
  8. 13. Existing at or from birth.
  9. 15. Written or spoken communication or debate.
  10. 16. Mournful or gloomy, often to an exaggerated degree.
  11. 17. The appearance of being true or real.
  1. 1. An excess or abundance of something.
  2. 2. Given or done free of charge; unnecessary.
  3. 3. Relating to the sense of smell.
  4. 4. A sudden and unexpected source of wealth or good fortune.
  5. 7. A sign or indication of something to come.
  6. 10. Lacking importance or significance.
  7. 12. A seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true.
  8. 14. Favorable or advantageous.
  9. 15. Doubtful or uncertain.