LLPSI Vocabula Nova Cap. 15

  1. 2. to punish
  2. 3. you
  3. 7. it is allowed (impersonal)
  4. 8. to sit down
  5. 10. not yet
  6. 12. stern (severe, strict)
  7. 15. true
  8. 18. I
  9. 19. first (former; comp. primus, -a, -um)
  10. 21. before
  11. 23. you
  12. 24. if not (except, but)
  13. 26. if
  14. 27. at once (immediately)
  15. 30. play (game, school)
  16. 32. teacher
  17. 35. then
  18. 36. silent
  19. 37. to give back
  1. 1. at home (locative)
  2. 2. later (comp. posterus, -a, -um)
  3. 4. to cry out (exclaim)
  4. 5. we
  5. 6. to finish (stop, end)
  6. 9. to return (go back)
  7. 11. to be
  8. 13. true
  9. 14. rod
  10. 16. stool (chair)
  11. 17. pupil (disciple)
  12. 20. little bed
  13. 22. door
  14. 25. what
  15. 28. back
  16. 29. evil (trouble, harm)
  17. 31. but
  18. 33. lower (inferior; comp. inferus, -a, -um)
  19. 34. to read aloud