Vocabulaire 4.2

  1. 2. Il fait [hot].
  2. 6. A good season for skiing, snowboarding, or hot chocolate!
  3. 7. Back to school month:(
  4. 11. The season when you get to relax, have fun, and not worry about school!
  5. 12. Il [snowing].
  6. 13. St. Patrick's Day month
  7. 14. A hot month - perfect for the beach!
  8. 19. A good month for a prank!
  9. 21. A chilly season, perfect for sweaters and scarves.
  10. 22. First month of the year
  11. 24. Il fait [chilly.
  1. 1. A cold month with lots of holidays
  2. 3. Il y a du [sunny].
  3. 4. Independence Day month
  4. 5. The season when plants start to regrow.
  5. 8. Il fait [beautiful].
  6. 9. Last month of the school year!
  7. 10. Cupid's favorite month
  8. 15. A scary month
  9. 16. Memorial Day and Mother's Day month
  10. 17. Il [raining].
  11. 18. A good time to give Thanks
  12. 20. Il fait [bad weather].
  13. 23. Il y a du [wind].