
  1. 5. To introduce a new law, rule, etc.
  2. 7. Euthanasia can ... vulnerable people to pressure
  3. 11. Emotional and psychological pressures can become overpowering for ... people
  4. 12. What type of euthanasia occurs when the person who is killed made an expressed wish to the contrary
  5. 13. The ... for censorship is different for various types of information censored
  6. 14. Extremely painful or bad
  7. 15. A state when a person is alive, but shows no sign of brain activity
  8. 17. A hospital for people who are dying
  9. 19. Euthanasia ... medical research
  10. 20. Pills that helps to get rid of pain
  11. 21. Terminally ill people have ... to various types of pain control
  12. 22. ... information
  13. 23. To experience or deal with something that is painful or unpleasant
  1. 1. According to whether a person gives informed ... , euthanasia may be classified into three types.
  2. 2. Responsible
  3. 3. The first country to legalise euthanasia
  4. 4. Pain that a person cannot bear
  5. 6. A type of censorship used for counter espionage
  6. 8. Censorship is the ... of speech, public communication or other information
  7. 9. The second country to legalise euthanasia
  8. 10. Unpleasant or offensive
  9. 12. The act of frightening or threatening somebody so that they will do what you want
  10. 16. What types of censorship are ... in your country?
  11. 18. To make pain less severe