
  1. 2. a gap or opening
  2. 6. dying or ill from lack of food
  3. 7. school for children aged 5-6
  4. 9. large amounts of money, property, and resources
  5. 12. a class of living things that all have the same general characteristics
  6. 13. an agreement officially signed by several countries
  7. 14. wanting to have a lot for yourself
  1. 1. protection from harm or somrthing unpleasant
  2. 3. a bad or careless use
  3. 4. a large meeting dealing with a particular subject
  4. 5. an important formal meeting between leaders of governments from two or more countries
  5. 8. a subject or problem that people are thinking and talking about
  6. 10. a group of animals that live together
  7. 11. an amount that is enough or more than enough
  8. 12. a small river