
  1. 3. respiration Oxygen and glucose are broken down in cells providing energy for animals.Animals breathe out carbon dioxide as a waste.
  2. 4. Absorbed through the root and a necessary ingredient of photosynthesis.
  3. 6. The process by which cardioxide,water and sunlight are converted into glucose and oxygen.
  4. 7. The place in a plant cell where photosynthesis happens.
  5. 10. A colorless,odorless gas released during photosynthesis.
  6. 11. Tiny openings or holes in the plant used for the exchange of gases such as CO2 and Oxygen.
  7. 13. Solar energy absorbed by chlorophyll necessary for photosynthesis.
  8. 14. pyramid diagram that demonstrates the flow of energy through a food chain.
  1. 1. A green pigment in all plants responsible for the absorption of sunlight.
  2. 2. The result of CO2,H2O, and sunlight in photosynthesis which provides food and energy for the plant.
  3. 3. A colorless,odorless gas absorbed by plants during photosynthesis.
  4. 5. The process by which decomposers break down dead material and waste into simpler substances
  5. 8. level The position that an organism occupies in a food chain,food wed, or energy pyramid
  6. 9. Tubes in the stem of the plants used to water throughout the plant
  7. 12. Tubes in the stem of the plant used to transport glucose or sugar to provide energy to the plant.