
  1. 1. a creature with two feet
  2. 6. an order or command placed in one’s hands
  3. 8. a handbook; a book of directions
  4. 12. to go before something else in time, order, place, or rank
  5. 14. formal words spoken or written by a jury that charge a person with a crime
  6. 15. so delicate that it could break easily; easily damaged
  7. 16. to corrupt or undermine; to turn against established authority
  8. 18. capable of being easily carried
  9. 19. in good faith; authentic; genuine; real
  10. 20. surgery on living animals; medical research that involves cutting into living animals to study organs, tissues, or diseases
  11. 21. careful to look at all possibilities before acting; cautious; aware of consequences
  12. 22. to turn back to a previous action or thought; to go back in thought or speech; to give back
  13. 24. an evildoer; a person who does bad things
  14. 27. record player; a device that turns the writing on records into sound
  15. 28. a judge’s ruling or statement
  16. 31. a part of a whole; a broken piece of something that is no longer whole
  17. 32. to write down or record; to translate
  18. 33. a muscle that bends a part of the body, such as an arm or a leg
  19. 34. a person chosen to interpret laws, decide on a winner, or settle a controversy
  20. 36. to break the law by lying; to break a formal promise; to break an oath
  21. 37. the place where two highways or two sets of railroad tracks cross or join
  22. 38. to yield to an opponent that one has lost; to give in; to admit that something is true and valid
  23. 39. necessary or essential to life
  24. 41. to throw goods overboard to lighten the load on a boat or an airplane
  1. 2. to set free; to lend a hand in freeing someone; to release from someone’s hands
  2. 3. to send back (usually related to paying bills)
  3. 4. a set of religious beliefs or principles
  4. 5. granting approval or belief in a school
  5. 7. a device that writes down (records) the movements of the earth
  6. 9. a piece of writing written by a person about his or her own life
  7. 10. a four-footed creature
  8. 11. bad health; illness; sickness
  9. 13. wrongdoing or bad conduct by a public official
  10. 17. to bring back to life again
  11. 21. able to be influenced into doing something that breaks away from the rules; able to become bad
  12. 23. a three-footed stand often used to balance a camera
  13. 25. joined together; combined; united
  14. 26. to explode; to break out with force
  15. 29. tending to believe too easily; easily convinced; easily fooled
  16. 30. the act of looking into one’s own thoughts and feelings
  17. 35. to throw out
  18. 40. bent or turned backward