
  1. 3. to change
  2. 4. future possibility
  3. 8. to meet a goal through hard work
  4. 10. work clothes, exercise clothes
  5. 13. things that keep you from doing what you want
  1. 1. something you want to do, like lose 10 pounds
  2. 2. boss moves employee to better job
  3. 5. to give in, change your position in an argument
  4. 6. very important and well known person
  5. 7. person someone who is good with people
  6. 9. very little available, in short supply, rare
  7. 11. played being taken advantage of
  8. 12. job a job with no physical labor
  9. 14. the answer to a problem
  10. 15. fill out a form to get into a school or get a job