Vocabulary 2.2 Crossword THEA3

  1. 2. Another name for the auditorium, where the spectators sit to watch the performance, also called out front.
  2. 5. Front curtain of a Proscenium Stage, usually made of heavy luxurious fabric.
  3. 6. The actor’s right when onstage and facing the audience.
  4. 7. The actor’s left when onstage and facing the audience.
  5. 10. Offstage sides of the acting area.
  1. 1. Area of the stage farthest away from the audience.
  2. 3. Area of the stage closest to the audience.
  3. 4. Imaginary line that extends from one side of the Proscenium frame to the other.
  4. 8. Part of stage in front of the main curtain/Grand Drape on a proscenium stage.
  5. 9. Tall, narrow stage drape that is used to mask the wings.