
  1. 3. to read throughly and carefully
  2. 6. connected with or related to the matter at hand
  3. 9. to make valueless, take away all force or effect
  4. 12. to yield to a request or command
  5. 13. not having or using, lacking
  6. 15. long life, long duration, length of life
  7. 19. sturdy, not easily worn out or destroyed; lasting for a long time; consumer goods used repeatedly over a series of years
  8. 25. showing concern care; fearful or anxious
  9. 26. bold, adventurous, reckless daring
  10. 28. to reduce to nothing to make ineffective or inoperative; to declare legally invalid or void
  11. 29. in very great numbers; a very great number
  12. 30. cordial, pleasantly cheerful or warm
  13. 31. stubbornly self- willed; done on purpose, deliberate
  1. 1. harm or loss; injury, damage; a disadvantage; a cause of harm, injury loss, or damage
  2. 2. described in well- known stories; rather than real life
  3. 4. connected with or related to the matter
  4. 5. having to do with morals, values, right and wrong; in accordance with standards of right conduct; requiring a prescription for purchase.
  5. 7. to cripple, disable, injure, mar, disfigure, militate
  6. 8. appearing true, reasonable, or fair
  7. 10. to assign or distribute in shares or portions
  8. 11. withdrawn, standing apart from others by choice
  9. 14. full of tiny holes; able to be penetrated by air or water
  10. 16. a sounding together; agreement or accord
  11. 17. a remainder, that which remains when a part has been up or removed
  12. 18. tp deprive of strength or ability; to make legally ineligible
  13. 20. a thing that is added an appendix to a book or written document
  14. 21. immense; extraordinary in bulk, size, or degree
  15. 22. to remove, drive out of a position or place
  16. 23. to compete; to strive for victory or superiority
  17. 24. economical, avoiding waste and luxury; scanty, poor, meager
  18. 27. to trouble, make uneasy; to disturb greatly; to throw into confusion