
  1. 2. small
  2. 3. smallest unit of language
  3. 5. Specialized words, used mostly in science, though some, like photograph, are common
  4. 8. super
  5. 10. referring to a disease condition
  6. 12. the mineral silicon
  7. 13. Develops simultainiously
  8. 14. second largest for speaking vocabulary
  9. 17. Common, short, everyday, down-to-earth words used frequently in ordinary situations and found in school primers
  10. 19. words we use, recognize, and respond to in meaningful acts of communication
  11. 20. First to develop
  1. 1. related to viewing
  2. 4. study of meaningful units of language and how they are combined in word formation.
  3. 6. Most of these have relatively constant meanings that are easily definable.
  4. 7. beings in stages
  5. 9. dust
  6. 11. eruption from earth
  7. 15. a morphophonemic language
  8. 16. learned through acting on and interaction with the environment through direct, purposeful experiences
  9. 17. when a sound is modified so that it becomes similar to the adjacent sound
  10. 18. related to the lung