
  1. 3. The overturn of a decision made by a lower court.
  2. 5. The side that is bringing criminal charges to a person.
  3. 6. Court with original jurisdiction over cases between states.
  4. 7. A more serious criminal charge that gets a higher sentence
  5. 10. Involves someone who broke the law being arrested.
  6. 11. A group of individuals that decides whether a person is guilty or not guilty.
  7. 13. The person that filed a lawsuit in a criminal case.
  8. 16. Court that has original jurisdiction over misdemeanors.
  9. 18. Where the defense and plaintiff present their statements.
  10. 19. The statement given in the beginning of a trial by the defense and prosecution.
  11. 20. The statement given at the end of a trial by the defense and prosecution.
  1. 1. A less serious crime that doesn't get as bad of a punishment.
  2. 2. The power of a court to overturn decisions made by a lower court.
  3. 4. The power of a court to hear a case first.
  4. 8. Person vs person, usually involving money.
  5. 9. The boundaries of power that a court has.
  6. 12. The side that is defending a person from criminal charges.
  7. 14. The final decision in a case.
  8. 15. Court that has appellate jurisdiction over lower courts.
  9. 17. Where the judge or jury finds the suitable punishment for a crime.