  1. 2. a long, thin creature with a soft body and no bones or legs
  2. 4. the soft thick mass of hair that grows on the body of some animals
  3. 5. get away from a place where you have been kept
  4. 6. the dry fruit of the pine tree
  5. 7. Animal that can live both on land and in water
  6. 10. The species of elephants and bears are ..........
  7. 11. this part can help bird ly in the sky
  8. 12. To cover our body or animal body
  9. 14. this part helps fish to breathe in water
  10. 15. to look for somebody/animals in order to catch them or harm them
  1. 1. ​ small fruit that grows on a bush. There are several types of berry, some of which can be eaten.
  2. 3. to move slowly, quietly and carefully because you do not want to be seen or heard
  3. 4. Birds have ........to keep them warm
  4. 8. A bird often ........... a hole in the sack.
  5. 9. the sound of bird
  6. 12. Fish have........ to keep them safe from dangerous fish that want to bite them
  7. 13. to take part in a war or battle against an enemy