Vocabulary 3

  1. 2. a neoclassical perspective that suggests that lifestyles contribute significantly to both the amount and the type of crime found in any society
  2. 4. a condition said to exist when a group is faced with social change, uneven development of culture, maladaptiveness, disharmony, conflict, and lack of consensus
  3. 6. the attempt to categorize, understand, and predict the behavior of certain types of offenders based on behavioral clues they provide
  4. 7. a perspective on crime causation that holds that the physical deterioration of an area leads to higher crime rates and an increased concern for personal safety among residents
  5. 8. a sociological approach that emphasizes demographics and geographics and that sees the social disorganization that characterizes delinquency areas as a major cause of criminality and victimization
  6. 10. an 18th century approach to crime causation and criminal responsibility that grew out of the Enlightenment and that emphasized the role of freewill and reasonable punishment
  7. 11. a human male displaying the XYY chromosome structure
  8. 15. a set of interrelated propositions that attempt to describe, explain, predict, and ultimately control some class of events
  9. 18. a perspective on crime causation that holds that criminality is the result of conscious choice
  10. 20. an approach that integrates a variety of theoretical viewpoints in an attempt to explain something such as crime and violence
  11. 21. perspective on criminal logical thought that holds that criminal behavior has a physiological basis
  12. 22. the belief that an area's physical features may be modified and structured so as to reduce crime rates in that area and to lower fear of victimization that residents experience
  13. 25. a mentally ill individual who suffers from disjointed thinking and possibly from delusions and hallucinations
  14. 26. a person with a personality disorder, especially one manifested in aggressively antisocial behavior, which is often said to be the result of a poorly developed superego
  15. 27. the classification of human beings into types according to body build and other physical characteristics
  1. 1. an integrated view of human development that points to the process of interaction among and between individuals and society as the root calls of criminal behavior
  2. 3. a psychological perspective that says that people learn how to behave by modeling themselves after others whom they have the opportunity to observe
  3. 5. an explanation that accounts for a set of facts and that can be tested by further investigation
  4. 9. a theory of human behavior, based on the writings of Sigmund Freud, that sees personality as a complex composite of interacting mental entities
  5. 12. a form of mental illness in which sufferers are said to be out of touch with reality
  6. 13. one of the emerging approaches that challenges existing criminal logical perspectives to debunk them and that works toward replacing them with concepts more applicable to the post-modern era
  7. 14. an approach to criminal justice theory that stresses the application of scientific techniques to the study of crime and criminals
  8. 16. a perspective on criminal logical thought that highlights the process of interaction between individuals and society
  9. 17. a violation of social norms defining appropriate or proper behavior under a particular set of circumstances
  10. 19. a socially pervasive condition of normlessness
  11. 23. a social process perspective that sees continued crime as a consequence of the limited opportunities for acceptable behavior that follow from the negative responses of society to those defined as offenders
  12. 24. the use of standardized, systematic procedures in the search for knowledge