Pre and Mono Vocabulary Review

  1. 2. something made out of one single large block or piece of stone; one single stone monument.
  2. 3. speaking or writing only one language
  3. 5. having one color; a painting, desig, photo, or outfit that is only one color or shades of one color.
  4. 7. a one piece leotard and tights combination.
  5. 8. to make a decision before you have all of the facts.
  6. 9. to look at something before something or someone else.
  7. 10. a one wheeled vehicle on which the rider sits and pedals.
  8. 12. having only one cell
  9. 14. a test before the real test, usually given to see what is already known.
  10. 15. one of a kind, unusual, or rare
  11. 16. one sided.
  12. 17. to pay for something before it needs to be paid in full.
  1. 1. an instance of saying the same words or sounds at the same time; a group that sounds like one.
  2. 2. long speech given by one person.
  3. 4. moving in only one direction.
  4. 6. a measure taken in advance to prevent harm.
  5. 7. to join together into one group.
  6. 9. to say what will happen before it occurs.
  7. 10. a horse-like fabled animal that has one horn growing out of the middle of it's forehead.
  8. 11. to authorize or give permission in advance.
  9. 12. one group
  10. 13. a syllable or word that comes before a root word to change its meaning.
  11. 18. to come before something else in time, order, or rank.