
  1. 2. a passive electrical component that creates in theflow of electrical current
  2. 3. It is used to organize all the elements
  3. 6. it has branches in the circuit
  4. 8. is a cherged atom or molecule
  5. 9. it is positivly charged
  6. 11. it is measured in ampered
  7. 14. the transfer of energy from one molecule to another by direct contacts only happens in solids
  8. 17. It is negativly charged
  9. 18. a measurement istrument used to measur ampere
  10. 19. the concentration of a force
  1. 1. does not has branches in the circuit
  2. 2. is the tranfer of heat by electromagnetic waves
  3. 4. is the movement of heat by a fluid such as water or air, it travels in a cycle
  4. 5. the total of numbers of protons and molecules in the nucleous of an atom
  5. 7. ´´______ cannot be created or destroyed...´´ Albert Einstain
  6. 10. is called the moment of the force
  7. 12. it has no charge
  8. 13. the quuantity of motion of an moving object
  9. 15. how heavy an object is for ots size
  10. 16. also called proton number
  11. 18. A very samall particles which cointains electrons, protons neutrons.