
  1. 3. Selling of ones forgiveness
  2. 5. World focus than spiritual focus
  3. 8. Helped expand China's empire/power
  4. 11. Leader in Italy during World War II
  5. 13. Proved New World was not part of Asia
  6. 14. Explored Australia and New Zealand
  7. 16. Sailed around the tip of Africa
  8. 18. 2nd major city after Muh.. left Mecca
  9. 19. North Atlantic Treaty Org; 29 members
  10. 20. Landed in the Bahamas
  1. 1. Muslim holy book
  2. 2. Hijacking of 4 planes, attack on US
  3. 4. Believed people had natural rights
  4. 6. Built an absolute state in Russia
  5. 7. Common Language
  6. 9. Supports ideas of a nation
  7. 10. Group run by Osama bin Laden
  8. 12. WWII genocide of the European Jews
  9. 15. An worthy man can be the ruler
  10. 17. Supreme power of the monarchy