
  1. 3. to the variation in products that a company offers within one product line
  2. 4. an object or group of objects wrapped in paper or plastic, or packed in a box.
  3. 6. Number of Product lines
  4. 7. the smallest unit of a Product that can be sold to a Customer.
  5. 11. a representation of a person, animal, or other being that is personified and used to identify a company, brand, or product.
  6. 12. a symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product
  7. 14. refers to a type of consumer product on the market that lacks a widely recognized name or logo because it typically isn't advertised
  8. 15. the marketing of a product or service under two or more brand names.
  9. 17. when sales are dropping because the original need and want have diminished or because another product innovation has been introduced
  10. 19. typical or preliminary model of something, especially a machine, from which other forms are developed or copied.
  11. 20. A national brand is the brand of a product manufactured and spread nationwide using a brand name and owned by this company
  12. 21. name given by the maker to a product or range of products, especially a trademark
  13. 22. the full range of offerings that a business sells
  1. 1. the period during which the product eventually and increasingly gains acceptance among consumers
  2. 2. any substantial change made to the attributes
  3. 5. product is said to be attained when the product has reached its pinnacle in sales and the volume sales growth tend to stagnate
  4. 8. the first stage in the product life cycle
  5. 9. a name that has the status of a trademark.
  6. 10. is a symbol, element, art design, or visual image that helps immediately recognize a certain
  7. 13. is a licensing agreement that gives permission to a company to produce or market a product or service from the original owner
  8. 16. a type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name
  9. 18. The term product life cycle refers to the length of time a product is introduced to consumers into the market until it's removed from the shelves