
  1. 2. The conclusion of a story.
  2. 5. the central or main character that a story revolves around.
  3. 8. A conversation between characters the lines spoken in a drama.
  4. 9. A figure of speech that compares two seemingly like things without 'like' or 'as'.
  5. 12. the use of a word or phrase that imitates or suggests the sound of what it describes.
  6. 13. The sequence of events in story, play, or narrative poem.
  7. 17. A leaning towards a certain opinion or position on a topic.
  8. 18. A retelling of the main events or ideas of a piece of writing.
  9. 19. A figure of speech in which an animal, object, force of nature, or an idea is given human form or characteristics
  10. 21. The author's use of clues to prepare the reader for events that will happen later in the story.
  11. 23. Descriptive language that appeals to one or more of the five sences.
  12. 24. An expression that means something different from the literal meaning of words that make it up.
  13. 25. An in-direct reference to a well-known person, character, place, event, concept, or literacy work.
  14. 26. overstating something or stretching the truth.
  15. 29. A figure of speech that uses exaggeration to express strong emotion, make a point, or evoke.
  16. 31. The time and place in which events of a story occur
  1. 1. The point of highest emotion the turning point in the story
  2. 3. person who tells a story.
  3. 4. The emotional quality or atmosphere of a story or poem.
  4. 6. Any object, person, place, or experience that means more than what it is.
  5. 7. Writng about real people, places, and events.
  6. 10. A short saying (usually found in a speech) with a humorous or iconic twist.
  7. 11. A type of speech or writing , usually non-fiction, that attempts to convince audience members to think to act in a particular way.
  8. 13. A form of literary expression that contains lines and stanzas.
  9. 14. A group of lines forming a unit in a poem.
  10. 15. The struggle between two opposing forces.
  11. 16. A narrative in which situations and characters are made up by the writer
  12. 20. A story written to be performed by actors.
  13. 22. A type of figurative language that uses "like" or "as" to compare two unlike things.
  14. 27. The central message of a work of literature often expressed as a general statement about life.
  15. 28. A contrast between the way things seem and the way they really are.
  16. 30. A traditional story of unknown authorship often involving goddesses, gods, heroes, and supernatural forces that attempts to explain why or how something came to be.