
  1. 4. a strong movement to advance a cause or idea; to campaign, work vigorously
  2. 8. to resign, formally give up an office or a duty; to disown, discard
  3. 10. clumsy, awkward; unwieldy
  4. 11. to injure or destroy the surface or appearance of; to damage the value, influence, or effect of; to face down, outshine
  5. 12. an action designed to confuse or mislead, a trick
  6. 13. a lack of seriousness or earnestness, especially about things that should be treated with respect; buoyancy, lightness in weight
  7. 16. having a huge appetite, greedy, ravenous; excessively eager
  8. 17. easily managed, easy to deal with; easily wrought, malleable
  9. 18. to become filled to overflowing; to be present in large quantities
  10. 19. vitally important, essential
  11. 20. to give as a gift; to provide with lodgings
  1. 1. one who receives; receiving; able or willing to receive
  2. 2. to make sick to the stomach; to fill with disgust
  3. 3. able to burn or eat away by chemical action; biting, sarcastic
  4. 5. a false notion or belief; an error in thinking
  5. 6. to nullify, deny, bring to nothing
  6. 7. able to hold much, roomy
  7. 9. beggar; depending on begging for a living
  8. 14. an order forbidding the trade in or movement of commercial goods; any restraint or hindrance; to forbid to enter or leave port; to forbid trade with
  9. 15. an opinion, belief, or principle held to be true