Vocabulary 4.2 LAC

  1. 5. infection caused by a parasite
  2. 6. a tube that connects the baby to the placenta
  3. 9. inability to have a child
  4. 10. fertilized egg
  5. 11. the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby
  6. 14. a tube which connects the ovary to uterus
  7. 15. abnormalities caused by consumption of alcohol while pregnant
  8. 18. the liquid surrounding the baby
  9. 19. a structure in the nucleus of every cell
  10. 21. a unit that determines inherited characteristics
  11. 22. substitute
  12. 24. egg cell
  13. 25. a tissue that connects the baby to the uterus
  1. 1. a complete blueprint of a person
  2. 2. baby's development during pregnancy
  3. 3. molecules that make up genes
  4. 4. sperm fertilizing the ovum
  5. 6. organ in which baby's develop in
  6. 7. death to unborn baby before 20th week
  7. 8. death at birth
  8. 12. developing baby in the 3-8th weeks of pregnancy
  9. 13. the male cell
  10. 16. death to unborn baby after 20th week
  11. 17. a test using sound waves to make a video of the bay
  12. 20. what a baby is called during the fetal stage
  13. 23. a condition in children whos mother drank while pregnant