
  1. 3. a character or force against which another character struggles
  2. 4. When a character says something to the audience that isn’t heard by the other characters
  3. 5. the play wright's instructions to the actors
  4. 7. the invisible division between the characters and the audience
  5. 9. an introductory speech that introduces background information or characters
  6. 11. A character's main drive or purpose
  7. 12. A subdivision of an act – one event or conversation
  8. 13. A conversation between two or more characters
  9. 14. A group of characters (esp. in a Greek tragedy) who act like narrators and comment on the action without participating
  10. 17. The main chararcter in the literary work-the one we "root for"
  11. 19. A secondary character whose situation parallels the main character’s
  12. 21. A type of drama in which characters experience a reversal in fortune, usually for the worse a type of drama in which
  1. 1. The major division in a play;can be divided into scenes
  2. 2. A character who undergoes little to no inner change
  3. 6. This person undergoes an important change or development during the play
  4. 8. the events in the play
  5. 10. A dramatic work in which the main theme is triumph over adverse circumstances
  6. 15. lines spoken by only one character
  7. 16. the arrogant pride in a character that will ultimately lead to his/her downfall
  8. 18. A type of drama in which characters experience a reversalin fortune, usually for the worse
  9. 19. A secondary character whose situation parallels the main
  10. 20. A parallel or smaller plot that coexists with the main action of the play