
  1. 1. ability to understand someones thoughts/affectionate
  2. 3. persons face
  3. 6. beliefs or strong values
  4. 7. unhappy or annoyed
  5. 8. hates
  6. 9. action(change/impact)
  7. 10. large amount
  8. 13. lonely, abandoned
  9. 15. conversation or speech
  10. 20. read
  11. 21. together/combination
  12. 23. pointless
  1. 1. quit or stop
  2. 2. decrease or smaller
  3. 4. about to happen
  4. 5. confirm or give support to
  5. 11. extreme greed for wealth
  6. 12. language or vocabulary of a person
  7. 14. lack, not enough
  8. 16. to fix or mollify negative impact
  9. 17. strongly suggest
  10. 18. question
  11. 19. revoke or cancel
  12. 22. prevent