
  1. 4. lacking understanding
  2. 7. motivated /characterized be an extreme, uncritical enthusiasm, as in religion or politics
  3. 12. deprived of some right, privilege, or immunity
  4. 13. influence over someone or something/being so controlled.
  5. 15. interesting, fascinating
  6. 16. care fully chosen and thoughtfully organized or presented
  7. 18. the outer parts of a town or city
  8. 19. to teach (someone) to fully accept the ideas and not consider other ideas
  9. 20. the act of resisting, apposing, withstanding
  1. 1. occur at the same time
  2. 2. the condition of being lower in status or quality than others
  3. 3. disgusted especially by unpleasant images.
  4. 5. joints inflammation or swelling
  5. 6. a person who encourages/advocates aggression towards other groups bey
  6. 8. attractively, lively, and animated (typically used of a woman)
  7. 9. not feeling or showing love for or devotion to one's country or politics
  8. 10. to pronounce especially publicly to be blameworthy or evil
  9. 11. ratting sound
  10. 14. spotlessly clean
  11. 17. empathy, understanding