
  1. 2. An estate in Spain.
  2. 3. Took place on 13 April 1919.
  3. 8. Expressed the British government's support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
  4. 10. Military retreat undertaken by the Red Army of the CCP.
  5. 12. Part of the Royal navy.
  6. 14. The act of stopping doing something or buying something until the problem is fixed.
  7. 16. Head of state under the Meiji Constitution during Japan's imperial expansion.
  8. 17. A system of segregation.
  9. 20. Chinese anti-imperialist, cultural, and political movement.
  10. 22. The poor that nobody went near.
  11. 23. Ideology that favors state interventionism over other market mechanisms.
  1. 1. Turning private assets into public assets.
  2. 3. The western-most extension of continental Asia.
  3. 4. Ideology that espouses the unification of the countries of North Africa and Western Asia from the Atlantic Ocean to the Arabian Sea.
  4. 5. Geographic region in Northeast Asia.
  5. 6. Nationalism defined by shared culture and language.
  6. 7. The idea that peoples of African descent have common interests and should be unified.
  7. 9. To not cause harm to anything living.
  8. 11. Claims made by the Japanese government to special privileges in China during World War I.
  9. 13. Major political party in the Republic of China.
  10. 15. Foreign policy of the administration of United States President Franklin Roosevelt towards Latin America.
  11. 18. Act of not following laws in form of protest
  12. 19. Extreme form of nationalism
  13. 21. The quality of being a black african.