
  1. 2. a reference to an event, book, myth, place, or work of art the reader is expected to recognize
  2. 3. when the author creates tension in the story
  3. 5. The rhythm that is created in a text
  4. 9. the associations an emotional overtone that have become attached to a word or phrase in addition to its strict dictionary meaning
  5. 12. repetition of the initial consonant sound in two or more neighboring words
  6. 13. the first of its kind- theme, plot, character, etc.
  7. 14. an idea or object that stands for something other than itself
  8. 16. a poem or story in which many or all elements stand for other ideas
  1. 1. When two or more words in close proximity have the same ending sound
  2. 2. repetition of a vowel sound in two or more words in close proximity.
  3. 4. clues that suggest the events that are about to occur
  4. 6. repetition of a consonant sound, in any part of the word, that is repeated in two or more words in close proximity.
  5. 7. The attitude the author takes toward the text that is reflected in her word choice.
  6. 8. a rhetorical strategy in which a writer chooses word order for a distinct effect
  7. 10. the use of sensory words to create a vivid picture in the mind of the reader
  8. 11. a rhetorical strategy in which a word is chosen purposefully to create a tone based on the word's connotation
  9. 15. the beats in the line of poetry that create cadence