
  1. 2. A type of animal that has a beak, feathers, and wings.
  2. 4. A small mammal with big ears and teeth.
  3. 7. A small insect that creates a cocoon and turns into a butterfly.
  4. 10. What you use to hang your pants
  5. 12. The oposite of hard.
  6. 13. The coldest season of the year.
  7. 15. Something you use to clean up leaves from the floor.
  8. 16. A type of bird that goes "quack".
  1. 1. A container where you can combine different ingredients
  2. 3. A small body of water with land at both sides.
  3. 5. Something you use to carry sand, dirt, or water.
  4. 6. A type of bird that has colorful feathers.
  5. 8. Something you use to go up.
  6. 9. The opposite of fast.
  7. 11. What you use to see.
  8. 14. What connects your head to your shoulders.