
  1. 3. You have many ———— in school.
  2. 5. At school you follow your ————- to not get lost.
  3. 7. When you have a test coming up you usallly do what.
  4. 8. Your social studies class can be very what.
  5. 9. You learn proper grammar in this class.
  6. 11. In math class you need one of these.
  7. 12. Somtimes in English you need to look up a word using this.
  8. 14. You get to use paint in this class.
  9. 15. You have to take this language in school.
  1. 1. When school start you go to your ———— block.
  2. 2. Somtimes you like a class so much it become your —————-.
  3. 4. In this class you do labs.
  4. 6. Everyone has a hard time in this class and you use a calculator.
  5. 10. In class when you sit by your friends you usually what.
  6. 13. You learn a lot of history in this class.