
  1. 3. the power of the Supreme Court to declare laws and actions of local, state, or national governments unconstitutional
  2. 5. Rights that are required to live a free and equitable life and cannot be interfered with
  3. 8. the tax levied on individual and corporate earnings
  4. 9. the constitution that gives Congress the right to make all laws necessary and proper to carry out the powers expressed in the other clauses
  5. 10. government censorship of information before it is published or broadcast
  6. 11. the constitution, laws passed by congress, and treaties of the U.S. shall be the supreme law of land
  7. 13. the system where each branch of government exercises some control over the others
  8. 14. to approve
  9. 17. money paid in order to vote
  10. 18. the philosophy that the Supreme Court should avoid taking the initiative on social and political questions
  11. 19. an outgoing official serving out the remainder of a term, after retiring or being defeated for re-election
  12. 20. powers the constitution grants or delegates to the national government
  13. 21. rule by the people
  1. 1. a system in which power is divided between the national and state governments
  2. 2. a system in which the power of the government is limited, not absolute
  3. 4. to accuse a public official of misconduct in office
  4. 6. principle in the 5th amendment that the government must follow proper constitutional procedures in trials and in other actions it takes against individuals
  5. 7. the authority of a court to rule on certain cases
  6. 12. to return a criminal or fugitive who flees across state lines back to the original state lines back to the original state
  7. 15. a law that requires periodic checks of government agencies to see if they are still needed
  8. 16. the division of power among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government