
  1. 3. A group of naturally occurring compounds with antioxidant properties often found in plants, known best for their potential health benefits.
  2. 4. To be drawn toward or move in the direction of something, especially due to a natural force like gravity.
  3. 7. Medicinal drugs or substances used in the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of diseases and medical conditions.
  4. 10. The gradual destruction or deterioration of a material, usually metal, through chemical reactions with its environment.
  5. 11. To groom or clean oneself, especially by smoothing or arranging fathers or clothing; can also refer to taking pride or satisfaction in one's achievements.
  6. 18. The historical medical practice of withdrawing blood from a patient as treatment for various ailments or illnesses.
  7. 19. A system of writing using pictorial symbols, especially associated with ancient Egypt.
  8. 23. A collection of myths, especially those belonging to a particular culture or religious tradition.
  9. 25. A supreme ruler or monarch, possessing ultimate authority or power, or to be independent and self-governing, not subject to external control.
  10. 26. Unwilling or hesitant to do something; showing resistance.
  11. 27. Used as a coordinating conjunction to introduce a negative idea or to continue a negative statement.
  12. 29. Relating or occurring within an individual's mind or self.
  13. 33. Wisdom, discernment, or keen mental perception; the quality of being wise.
  14. 34. Members of certain religious orders, especially the medicant orders such as the Franciscans.
  15. 37. Literary or artistic work that uses humor, irony, or ridicule to criticize or mock people, politics, or society.
  16. 38. An official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority.
  17. 41. Columnar formations rising from the floor of a cave, also formed by the deposition of minerals.
  18. 42. Of crucial importance or significance; central to the development or success of something.
  19. 43. The escape of blood from a ruptured blood vessel; bleeding
  20. 45. To bring to an end; to stop or discontinue.
  21. 48. A harmonious and cooperative relationship, often characterized by mutual understanding and communication.
  22. 49. Icicle-shaped formations hanging from the ceilings of caves, formed by the deposition of minerals from dripping water.
  23. 52. Not done willingly or by choice; automatic or reflexive
  1. 1. In a manner that involves tact, skill, and sensitivity in dealing with others, especially in negotiations.
  2. 2. The outer layer of an organ or structure, often referring to the outer layer of the brain.
  3. 5. A style of playing or singing in which each note is sharply separated from the others; also used more broadly to describe short and abrupt sounds or speech.
  4. 6. Brilliant display or effect, dazzling or conspicuous success.
  5. 8. To provide evidence or bear witness to the truth of something; to affirm or confirm.
  6. 9. Relating to or using a particular method or system for conducting research or inquiry.
  7. 12. The act or process of inventing and creating new words or expressions.
  8. 13. Relating to or involving the lymphatic system, which is part of the circulatory system.
  9. 14. Awakened, stirred, or stimulated from a state of rest or inactivity.
  10. 15. Having a negative outlook or expecting the worst outcomes; inclined to see the negative side of situations.
  11. 16. A person who negotiates or argues over the terms of a transaction, especially regarding price.
  12. 17. To grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way; to thrive.
  13. 20. The process of digging or uncovering, often archaeological sites or artifacts.
  14. 21. Successful and thriving, especially in terms of financial well-being.
  15. 22. Layers or levels, especially of rock or soil; can also refer to social or economic classes.
  16. 24. A person who starts an operates a business, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.
  17. 28. Mammals characterized by giving birth to relatively underdeveloped live young, which then typically continue to develop in a secure pouch.
  18. 30. Bad-tempered, unfriendly, or rude in behavior or appearance.
  19. 31. A countless or extremely large number of people or things; an immense quantity.
  20. 32. Of the utmost importance; supreme or highest in rank.
  21. 35. In a manner characterized by shame or disgrace; humiliatingly
  22. 36. The softer, usually edible part of a seed, nut, or fruit stone contained within a hard shell.
  23. 39. To deny or contradict; to speak or act against
  24. 40. Lacking in energy or enthusiasm; sluggish or apathetic.
  25. 44. A solution or treatment for a problem or ailment; a means of correcting or improving a situation.
  26. 45. A thickened mass of coagulated or thickened liquid, especially blood.
  27. 46. Relating to space, especially in terms of the arrangement of objects in physical space.
  28. 47. Relating to interactions between individuals; involving or pertaining to relationships between people
  29. 50. Extremely poor or lacking in recourses; reduced to poverty.
  30. 51. To allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of something; to satisfy a desire.