
  1. 1. another term for meeting in the middle or splitting it to make something fair
  2. 3. the compermise when colored people would only count as 3/5ths of a person towards the states votes
  3. 4. this is when a large group of people are killed
  4. 10. to get rid of
  5. 12. the document that caused the spark for the declaration of independence
  6. 14. this means remove or take away
  7. 15. the act when the british parliment put a tax on tea
  8. 16. is the document that put into writing that the king has to follow the laws just like anyone other person
  9. 17. this means to impose by force
  10. 18. this is another term for housing
  11. 19. this means to look into and make sense of
  1. 2. the government based of the influence of the people and representation fo the people
  2. 5. this means that the people have the right to follow the law
  3. 6. when the 3 different branched will have the ability to check behind eachother and to be able to have equal power
  4. 7. this is something that you are born with and have the right to be protected
  5. 8. this is the first written document in the new world
  6. 9. the written document that states the rights the government has and the rights of the people and the laws
  7. 11. this plan wanted a small central government and that all the states would have equal votes and one president
  8. 13. this is the plan where they wanted to have a strong central government with 3 different branches