- 4. usually taught at the kitchen table.
- 9. the bible is the religious truth and authority of the relationship
- 12. the position of an apprentice
- 13. a collage that started 1636
- 14. only male of certain social classes
- 1. the texts books of the kids
- 2. chartered a government for the Northwest Territory, provided a method for admitting new states to the Union from the territory and listed a bill of rights guaranteed in the territory
- 3. required parents to know if their child could read
- 5. required every town of at least 50 families to hire a teacher
- 6. laid out the process by which lands west of the Appalachian Mountains were to be surveyed and sold.
- 7. the general flopice of harvard collage
- 8. printed in Boston, MA
- 10. a reader
- 11. teacher centered education.