
  1. 3. artistic work that imitates the style of another work for comic effect
  2. 4. subdued, kept from being circulated
  3. 6. ignorant; stupid person; dunce
  4. 7. something that hinders or obstructs
  5. 10. foolish, lack of good sense
  6. 12. shy, timid
  7. 13. peaceable or friendly relations
  8. 14. interfere with or slow down the progress
  9. 16. done by secretive means
  10. 17. passing off as one's own the ideas or writings of another
  11. 18. previously, in an earlier period
  1. 1. keep from waste, loss or decay
  2. 2. foretelling or predicting future events
  3. 3. quality or tendency to be everywhere at the same time
  4. 4. not genuine; false
  5. 5. grumpy, disagreeable
  6. 8. foreign, or strikingly unusual or strange
  7. 9. to prevent the occurrence of
  8. 11. to make or become better
  9. 15. injury, damage or something that causes it