
  1. 3. For higher cybersecurity, you need a better ... (Passwort).
  2. 5. Most of the times, there is no ... (Zeuge/Zeugin) to cybercrime.
  3. 6. schützen/beschützen
  4. 9. Most crimes involve hacking into the individual's computer to ... (stehlen) credit card information.
  5. 11. Sometimes there is no ... (Beweis) of the cyberattack.
  6. 12. beliebig
  7. 13. The company got ... (gehackt).
  8. 14. Hackers use the internet as their ... (Waffe).
  9. 15. They use information to ... (erpressen) people.
  1. 1. The ... (Opfer) often doesn't recognize hackers as criminals.
  2. 2. Hackers' ... (Verbrechen) are often invisible.
  3. 4. The ... (Verdächtige/r) was probably from the UK.
  4. 7. This ... (illegale) activity is costing the global economy a lot of money.
  5. 8. Schadsoftware
  6. 9. Sicherheit
  7. 10. It sometimes can be really difficult to catch a ... (Kriminelle/r).