Vocabulary about Work

  1. 3. A synonym of 'salary'
  2. 5. When you are offered a higher position in your job
  3. 7. To dismiss a person from his/her job because you are not happy with his.her job
  4. 8. A job ___ is when a position is available for people to apply
  5. 10. A ___ job is just for a short period of time
  6. 11. All the workers in the company - a synonym of 'staff''
  7. 14. A person that does not work exclusively for a company; someone who employs him/herself
  8. 16. Period of work in a company for practice, often for free
  9. 18. Your journey from work home and from home to work
  10. 19. A generally 8-hour work timetable
  11. 21. A 4-or-5-hour work timetable
  1. 1. When you decide to leave your job, you ___ (quit)
  2. 2. Flexibility that workers have to organise their working hours
  3. 4. A ___ is a permission the company gives you when you don't feel well to work
  4. 6. To have the ability to buy something
  5. 9. Extra money that you get for your work
  6. 12. To stop working; the end of your working life
  7. 13. A ___ job takes places only during a certain period of time in the year
  8. 15. To give a job to a person
  9. 17. Select staff to work in a company
  10. 20. A person who works in a company simply to get experience; sometimes with no salary