Vocabulary : Chapter 2

  1. 3. a meal in the morning
  2. 7. Se reveiller in English
  3. 8. Boire in English
  4. 10. Laver in English
  5. 11. Enfin in English
  6. 12. an adjective for food
  7. 15. meat from a pig
  8. 17. Manger in English
  9. 18. when you book a table
  1. 1. verb for ______ dressed , ______ washed.
  2. 2. payer in English
  3. 4. Deuxièment in English
  4. 5. Tout d'abord in English
  5. 6. where you wait for the bus
  6. 9. meat from a chicken
  7. 13. a traditional Irish __________
  8. 14. meat from a cow
  9. 16. Passé simple de manger in English