Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle 1

  1. 3. the atmosphere or feeling created by the writer
  2. 5. the author's particular attitude, either stated or implied
  3. 8. the method by which an author constructs a character
  4. 10. a literary device used by an author to provide hints about future events that may occur later in the story
  5. 12. the central or universal idea of a literary work that often relates to morals
  6. 13. written works that are generally recognized as having artistic value
  7. 14. the unique characteristics that describe a writer's use of language
  8. 15. a stage in the writing process when a written text is corrected for mechanics, grammar, and spelling
  9. 16. an author's unique articulation or expression of language created by elements such as syntax, diction, and figurative language
  1. 1. an expressive literary piece written in first person
  2. 2. the author's thoughtful use of precise vocabulary to fully convey meaning to the reader
  3. 4. language language not intended to be taken literally, examples include imagery, metaphors, and other literary devices
  4. 6. a specific convention used by an author, such as imagery, irony, or foreshadowing
  5. 7. the opposition of persons or forces that brings about dramatic action
  6. 9. a stage in the writing process when changes are made to improve focus, content, organization, etc.
  7. 11. the time and place in which a narrative occurs
  8. 12. a specific subject, idea, or issue that is the focus of an author's work