  1. 3. someone who prepares coffee at a coffee shop
  2. 6. round object where you put food
  3. 10. recipient to throw the ash of a cigarrette
  4. 11. in the UK, fried potatoes
  5. 13. eggs that are not completely boiled
  6. 15. type of spaghetti, usually used in Asian food
  7. 16. extra chair on top of a chair for children
  1. 1. Alcoholic drinks
  2. 2. small portion of food to accompany your main dish
  3. 4. Type of beer that is served from a tap
  4. 5. clients, costumers of a restaurant
  5. 7. in the USA, fried potatoes
  6. 8. sweet dish at the end of the meal
  7. 9. group of people going to eat
  8. 12. type of seat with in a restaurant, with benches
  9. 14. in the UK potatoes that come from a bag
  10. 17. Drinks like Coke or Fanta