Vocabulary List 11

  1. 2. N: The use of physical force, threats or fear to obtain a desired result. Syn: Browbeating, intimidating Ant: Cooperation
  2. 4. Adj: Dishonorable or disgraceful Syn: Humiliating, shameful Ant: Prideful
  3. 10. Novels and stories that describe real factual people and events. examples- Diary of Anne Frank Autobiography Night by Elie Wiesel
  4. 11. Adj: The quality of being short or rude, especially in speech Syn: Curt, abrupt Ant: Tactful, polite
  5. 12. V: To agree Syn: Concur, accord Ant: Disagree
  6. 14. N: Perseverance; an attitude of careful, patient consistency to complete a task. Syn: Industry, alertness Ant: Laziness
  1. 1. Adj: Mentally unbalanced or unhinged; insane Syn: Delirious, deranged Ant: Balanced, rational
  2. 2. V: To slowly destroy; to break down overtime, as by acid Syn: Erode Ant: Fortify
  3. 3. Prose, information, ordinary language, and writing. Factual, not poetic. examples- Romeo and Juliet: Family fighting, Dictionary, Expos class
  4. 5. Adj: Lacking in taste or culture Syn: Unsavory, distasteful Ant: Well-rounded
  5. 6. Novels and stories that describe imaginary people and events example-Harry Potter series, Hunger Games, City of Bruss, Divergent, Maze Runner
  6. 7. Adj: Acting in a suspicious manner; sneaky Syn: Secretive, cautious, covery Ant: Forthright
  7. 8. Adj: occurring in profusion; easily and often found Syn: Ample, polite, plentiful Ant: Sparse
  8. 9. A category of artistic composition as in music or literature, marked by distinctive style, form or content. examples- Sci-fi, Romance, Literature → Dystopia Movies → Comedy, Movies → Romance drama
  9. 13. Way in which a piece of literature is written / refers not to what is said but to how it is said / produced by word choice, grammatical structures, use or literary devices and all possible parts of language use. examples-Michael Bay Movies vs. Tim Burton Shakespeare vs. Dickens