Vocabulary List #4

  1. 2. to lower in dignity or estimation
  2. 4. stubborn, unreasonably determined
  3. 5. a speech at the end of a play or story
  4. 7. prefix that means away or from
  5. 8. a statement that is opposite to another statement
  6. 10. prefix that means against
  7. 11. prefix that means between or among
  8. 12. prefix that means against or facing
  9. 14. to hold back voluntarily
  10. 15. prefix that means on, beside or among
  11. 16. evil, harmful, wanting to cause harm to others
  12. 17. counter prefix that means against
  1. 1. story with a moral lesson
  2. 3. characterized by kindness or feelings to help others
  3. 6. prefix that means beside or beyond
  4. 7. adversary, person opposed to hero
  5. 8. prefix that means down or away from
  6. 9. to act between two parts to restore peace
  7. 13. something that speeds up or causes a reaction