Vocabulary Man 2

  1. 2. February
  2. 4. Monday
  3. 9. Wednesday
  4. 12. April
  5. 13. December
  6. 14. The months of the year
  7. 17. June
  8. 18. January
  9. 20. November
  10. 21. Today is
  11. 24. Week
  12. 27. Tuesday
  13. 28. The days of the week
  14. 29. Today
  1. 1. tomorrow is
  2. 3. October
  3. 5. Saturday
  4. 6. Month
  5. 7. Thursday
  6. 8. Day
  7. 9. March
  8. 10. May
  9. 11. Year
  10. 15. Weekend
  11. 16. September
  12. 19. July
  13. 22. Sunday
  14. 23. tomorrow
  15. 25. august
  16. 26. Friday