Vocabulary: Money

  1. 3. Go to see to a store but not buying anything (2)
  2. 6. The type of money every country have (1)
  3. 7. To take or move out or back, or to remove (1)
  4. 8. When something is reduced of the original price (1)
  5. 9. The things you need to pay necessarily every month (2)
  6. 10. When you put your money in a bank without spending (1)
  7. 11. When you dont have enough money to vpay for something (2)
  1. 1. The state of your credit card (3)
  2. 2. Paper money (1)
  3. 4. To buy something (1)
  4. 5. A circle piece of metal you use to pay for things (1)
  5. 12. Automated Teller Machine (1)