Vocabulary Project - Economics (Spongebob)

  1. 3. Plankton _____ the Krabby Patty formula.
  2. 4. If Squidward works 6 hours total for 10 dollars an hour, his total ____________ is $60.
  3. 7. The ____-__________ system allows for Sandy to run her private science business.
  4. 9. The Krusty Krab's ______ revolves around customers purchasing and receiving Krabby Patties.
  5. 12. There is little known about the _______ in Bikini Bottom, so not really a good hint.
  6. 16. Mr. Krabs' ______ ______ for working is making money.
  7. 19. Bikini Bottom's ____ is mostly made of sand and stone.
  8. 20. Mr. Krabs loves money; his life revolves around his ______.
  9. 21. Plankton is an ____________ for creating the Chum Bucket and its main ingredient: chum.
  10. 22. The fish that eat Krabby Patties are _________.
  1. 1. With the ________ of kelp, kelp juice cannot be produced.
  2. 2. Spongebob produced more Krabby Patties on Monday compared to Sunday due to ________ ______.
  3. 5. Mr. Krabs' _________ for running the Krusty Krab is money.
  4. 6. The restaurant ___________ in Bikini Bottom is very brutal between the Chum Bucket and the Krusty Krab.
  5. 8. Mrs. Puff calls the repair shop for _______ after Spongebob destroyed another boat.
  6. 10. Spongebob and Squidward do _____ as part of their jobs to ensure patties get sold.
  7. 11. Krabby Patties' _______ is very helpful, as it satisfies the fishes' need to eat.
  8. 13. Mr. Krabs' _______ is Krabby Patties, as they further his gain of money.
  9. 14. The ___________ ____ for Sandy working is less time spent with friends.
  10. 15. The Krabby Patty is an example of a ____ since it satisfies the hunger of fish across Bikini Bottom.
  11. 16. Spongebob is a ________ of Krabby Patties.
  12. 17. Sandy's water helmet's _____ is very helpful, as it satisfies Spongebob's need to breathe.
  13. 18. Though Squidward hates working overtime, the _____-___ is more money in his paycheck.
  14. 23. A dry Spongebob staring at a jug of water, exclaiming "I ____ it!"