Vocabulary Puzzle

  1. 7. The way one behaves or presents oneself; one's manner
  2. 8. Wishing to do good; kindly; characterized by helpful intentions
  3. 10. Without exception or qualification; absolute
  4. 13. Extreme, unreasonable expense or price; being beyond reasonable or proper limits
  5. 15. Anxious or fearful about the future; uneasy
  6. 16. Unfitting and inappropriate; grossly improper
  7. 17. Cunning; full of trickery or intentions to deceive
  8. 18. An excessive amount
  9. 21. Appropriateness of behavior; propriety
  1. 1. Unnecessary; unjustified
  2. 2. Relating to areas that are far from large cities or capitals
  3. 3. To charm; to delight
  4. 4. Relating to areas that are far from large cities or capitals
  5. 5. Excessive; lacking moderation
  6. 6. To make greater in power, influence, stature, or reputation
  7. 9. Doubtful; uncertain; questionable as to quality or validity
  8. 11. Without exception or qualification; absolute
  9. 12. Accepted standards and customs of a social group
  10. 14. Wealth; affluence
  11. 19. Mean, unethical, or dishonorable; not noble in character
  12. 20. Wild and untamed; savage