Vocabulary Puzzle

  1. 3. Fair
  2. 4. Trouble in a country or place.
  3. 6. To throw or move in a careless fashion.
  4. 9. Easy to understand the reason for.
  5. 10. Emotionally connected to something.
  6. 12. To do extremely well in.
  7. 13. Next to.
  8. 14. Liquid that is attributed to being unsavory or disgusting.
  9. 15. Temporary.
  10. 17. Forbidden.
  11. 21. To cause something to happen.
  1. 1. Doing something without hurting or harming others.
  2. 2. Easy to break.
  3. 5. Unfair
  4. 7. The way that someone earns a living.
  5. 8. To restore.
  6. 10. To come before.
  7. 11. Slowly move.
  8. 16. To change.
  9. 18. Making someone or something do more than expected until they cannot function properly.
  10. 19. To bend over forward.
  11. 20. Very important.