Vocabulary 3.2 Review

  1. 3. Rosa Parks resented being told to give up her seat. She felt her dignity had been _____.
  2. 4. The protest began when Rosa Parks remained seated when told to move to the back of the bus for a white person. By refusing to ________ her seat, she had broken the law.
  3. 7. Civil rights lawyers fought the case through the court system. They wanted Rosa Parks's guilty _____ overturned.
  4. 8. In 1956 the highest court of the lange ordered the bus company to treat people equally. African Americans everywhere felt _____ when they heard the news.
  5. 11. There were signs saying "Whites Only" in many places. Having to drink from separate drinking fountains was ____ to African Americans.
  6. 12. In 1989 Rosa Parks was honored by the president. An invitation was ____to her to visit the White House.
  7. 13. The bus driver quickly reacted, taking Rosa off the bus. She remained in the _____ of Montgomery police officers for the next three hours.
  8. 15. Rosa Parks's former home has been put on the National Register of Historic Places. The event took place in 2022, and the 88-year old Ms. Parks attended the ____.
  1. 1. In 1955, African Americans participated in nonviolent protests againsts the injustices they suffered. They _____ the Birmingham bus system.
  2. 2. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a great American. He _____ tirelessly to make America a fairer and more just nation.
  3. 5. African American children and white children were kept apart. At that time in the South, ____ schools were rare.
  4. 6. There was a belief that African American were inferior. Unfortunately, such ____ views were not unusual at that time.
  5. 9. The Civil Rights movement began in the 1950s. Its purpose was to end the _______ of Americans because of their race.
  6. 10. Dr. King accomplished a great deal during his short life. His ______ achievement was to show that nonviolent resistance to injustice actually worked.
  7. 14. It was uncertain how long she would be held at the police station. She hoped she would not be _____ there overnight.